This week got away from me a bit, but here's an image of one of the few plants Abby and I have managed to keep alive for any significant amount of time. I was trying out a new focusing method where instead of using autofocus like normal, I put the camera on a tripod and switched to live view, where I can then zoom in and fine tune the focus. That's helpful for situations like this where the autofocus struggles with picking the exact point that I want, but this method only really works for controlled situations where the subject isn't moving much or at all.

One thing I've noticed over the years when it comes to advice for photography, is that often there's a lot of all one or all the other going on. Always autofocus or always manual. But photography is such a situational thing that those kinds of tips can often hold you back if you don't see the broader picture. It's like they say, you gotta learn all the rules so you can know when to break them.

EXIF data:
1/125, f/4, ISO 640
200mm focal length

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