I seem to have inadvertently become a food photographer, at least for the moment out of necessity. It's the result of signing up to a platform that apparently decided I was fit for it despite the fact I never submitted a portfolio for it when I signed up, or even indicated that I was interested in that kind of photography. Not that I particularly mind, some of the best advice I received when I was fist getting started was to say yes to every kind of work offered and figure it out later. That's not generally the sort of person I am, but I seem to have taken it to heart and it has certainly taken me places I never would have expected.
Anyway, this particular shot is from a practice run I did with Abby (thanks), who does this herself every so often in her capacity as graphic designer for a cafe chain. I was constraining myself within the style guide provided for the shoots I'll be doing this week, so it's not the most artistic shot, but I feel like the goal of a food photographer is first and foremost to make sure the food looks appealing, which I think it achieves here. And I say that as someone who doesn't even like avocado, so it must half decent, right?
EXIF data:
1/125, f/5.6, ISO 250
50mm focal length
1/125, f/5.6, ISO 250
50mm focal length