More flash this week, this time utilizing it for a technique called false color. Basically, it involves shooting the same photo three times and physically moving the light each time. Then you effectively attach a color to the light in that particular shot in Photoshop, and then mix and match until you get a result that you like. The utility of this approach vs coloring the light via gels at time of capture is an interesting comparison, because with false color you have far more control after the fact since you can change the color of each light direction at will. But it only works in a very controlled environment since the camera and subject have to be completely still for the effect to work properly, so under most circumstances it wouldn't be a very good option for anything involving people, for example.

Just to show what's possible, here are some of the other versions that I liked. Each of these only used two out of the three possible light sources. I personally like the one on the right best, maybe because it's the one that looks most natural.

EXIF data:
1/50, f/2.8, ISO 160
50mm focal length
(same for all three base photos)
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