As you may have noticed, the images I create tend to be on the more complex side. I like the process of taking a number of elements and hopefully turning them into a cohesive whole. That said, I have also admired minimalist photography for some time, and it's another one of those concepts this project has helped me finally get around to attempting for myself. I found that part of the challenge in creating a compelling image with so few elements was trying to avoid the appearance that it could have been just the result of randomly pointing the lens, pressing the shutter, and having no more thought go into the end result than that. In this case, at the very least I can say that there was thought put into the timing so that the sky would cooperate, as well as waiting until there was only a single bird left on the wire. So I am satisfied with the initial result, although like anything, I'm sure I could improve with further practice.

EXIF data:
1/200, f/4, ISO 640
200mm focal length

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