This is a view of the Blue Mountains in early 2022. I appreciated being there with the storm rolling in, since I normally find landscape photography challenging, and so it was good having the rain starting to fall across the valley as a point of interest.

On the black and white side, I used Lightroom to do the initial conversion to black and white, and then used the color channels to fine tune the tones in different parts of the image. For example, the green channel controls the tones in all the foliage of the trees, so I brought that down a little bit to help with the contrast and texture there. It was a good tip I picked up when I was first learning photography, since it allows you to have more control than a lot of standard ways of converting to black and white where it's a lot harder to make such targeted adjustments.

EXIF data:
1/80, f/8, ISO 160
19mm focal length

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