This is the first entry in my series of weekly projects for the entirety of this year. The plan is to post an image every Monday evening that was originally shot in the previous seven days, and talk a little bit about the image. I'm hoping to cover a number of techniques I've been meaning to try for some time but never quite got around to, as well as continuing to practice things I already know how to do. (Gotta keep my skills up in those areas too.)

Right away for week 1 I'm already breaking one of the constraints by posting an older image, but if I'm supposed to have a whole week to plan and shoot something, that wasn't really going to work for something I only officially decided to do yesterday. But it helps me to accomplish another goal of mine, which is to do a better job of actually showing off images I'm proud of, and this one certainly qualifies. After this though, the aim is to have all new images from next week onward.

This one is probably my favorite image I have ever created so far. It's from Vivid in 2017, and what you're seeing are the light trails from remotely operated swings. I think a large part of why I like it so much is that it was difficult to capture, between fine tuning the settings and only having a short window to capture the shot, since it only spun around 360 degrees every half hour or so. But once I did get it right, it was pretty much exactly what I imagined if not a bit better than I expected, so there's something really satisfying about coming up with a plan and having it work.

EXIF data:
13 second exposure, f/13, ISO 100
24mm focal length

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